Laptop battery always firmly installed?


I need a new laptop and realize that all are firmly installed! But I still want to exchange the 5 years, as with my old device.

How can I find out where to get a laptop whose battery is replaceable?

Or do we have all the manufacturers in our pockets? That we're then forced to buy a new device, only who the battery is broken?


Unfortunately, more and more is multiplying. In the past gabs partly also ne single flap for the fan, so that one could clean out the times.

You could look at the models that are in the store because you will soon realize if you can take the battery out there and then (if he suits you) to buy the laptop.

As a manufacturer, I can recommend Lenovo to you, but I do not know if these days still replaceable batteries.


I can easily change the batteries on my two laptop heads. Where is not that possible? That should probably more tablets, or affect smartphones?


You can also replace a fixed battery.

But very much:


"Where is not that possible?"

With many new devices


Would be a reason for me NOT to buy…