Laptop battery defective, which battery should I buy?


Who knows or has experience with laptop batteries. After about 5 years my laptop battery has taken its time. Now I'm looking for a good replacement battery (replica battery), as an original battery is hard to come by. I also thought about having the battery cells replaced. What would you recommend cell exchange or replica battery. If you tend towards a replica battery, I've picked out a few models and the question might come up. Which model would you consider?

This is the original battery

Here are the links from the replica batteries


No battery at all and only operate with a power cord. 5 year old laptop? It's time for a new one.


It was the same with me. Do you want to replace the battery yourself or what?


Why is everything going great once cost 1200 euro


The problem with the replicas is the lifespan…

If your current battery has lasted 5 years, then a replica will last a maximum of a year, more likely only half a year…

You do not know whether there are not randomly old cells from exactly the same batteries that you dispose of as defective… Or cells that have different capacities…

I wouldn't do that, I would look for an original. Or operate the Lappi without a battery…


The battery pack can simply be removed, it is just clipped in. I would have cells swapped


You can forget about cell swapping. Coded cells are usually built into branded tops. I wonder why? Planned obsolescence, have you heard?

If not, take a look at Arte's video titled Buy for the Garbage Dump "complete"! Takes over an hour because this topic isn't just about electronics. You can also take a look around the website of the gentleman whose slogan is "botch, no thanks".

Then you can see where people are deliberately and specifically targeted and why.

If you like to go on voyages of discovery, if you think you can do something, then take a laptop battery pack apart and see where the coding is in the battery. You might get this separately if you could integrate it into a suitable battery. But then the locations of the coding should fit. Anyone who puts such effort into…

But Benken should also do one thing for "researchers": this battery cell data is stored somewhere. If the appropriate coding is suddenly reported, but the battery is in top shape, although it was half dead before, what would be expected from the software?


That is exactly the intention and even has a name!
Is called planned obsolescence. Means that a broken date is installed from the factory "analogously". No matter what has to break from date X, or no longer work, so that you can "sell something expensive again"!

Arte documents this in the video entitled Buy for the dump!
It's worth looking at. It even shows how engineers or product developers are required to build whatever is required in such a way that it only works for a limited time.

Interesting in the video is e.g. The spot in which a fully occupied car with a "branded nylon stocking" was towed away. Then the stocking was examined. It had no ladder, no damage, and even the stretch, shape was good. Then the boss of the entrepreneur said that it has to be different, otherwise we will only sell minimally after time X because these stockings are of too good quality.


What is often forgotten is a certain organization of Mr. Bill Gates. Who knew very well not only to let his company make big profits, but also all manufacturers of anything to do with computers etc.

Although the company boss no longer understands how to make as much, extremely high profit as possible at the expense of others. E.g. With Corona. Some things are not coincidental, much is organized! And not organized by small ones.

Gates got 7 minutes airtime on a German TV station on what topic? Why was that possible? Auxiliary keyword stock prices. Pharmaceutical / vaccine industry share prices.


When you buy batteries, you always buy a pig in a poke. The question is whether no original would be better. It is more expensive, but if you have to buy a cheap one twice while the original battery is working, you are ultimately more expensive with the cheap ones!


If I could still get it, it would be nice. I already asked Medion, unfortunately no longer available. They refer to replica batteries.


There's the company Ewas in Wassertrüdingen, the batteries are newly equipped with fresh cells and these batteries then often last longer than the original battery ever lasted:-)


Thank you very much for your info. What do you think of the comment, of realistir, where it comes to cell swapping.


I don't see the comment… Where should it be? The company Ewas only exchanges the cells, they only have cells that work… You always buy a pig in a poke here and the problem with exchanging cells is that the cells usually have other connections. Here then make the connections with the required cross-sections, instead of the flat original flat cables, usually means that it does not fit in. And after such an unsuccessful attempt, the battery housing is usually so damaged that Ewas no longer does anything.

You have to look carefully at the battery beforehand to see if that works. And nothing must be damaged when opening. That is often quite difficult and something knows exactly what to do and how… And also build in the appropriate parts instead of soldering in any cables "hobbyist-like".

That's the difference and you only hear good things about this company!


Here is a copy:

You can forget about cell swapping. Coded cells are usually built into branded tops. I wonder why? Planned obsolescence, have you heard?

If not, take a look at Arte's video titled Buy for the Garbage Dump "complete"! Takes over an hour because this topic isn't just about electronics. You can also take a look around the website of the gentleman whose slogan is "botch, no thanks".

Then you can see where people are deliberately and specifically targeted and why.

If you like to go on voyages of discovery, if you think you can do something, then take a laptop battery pack apart and see where the coding is in the battery. You might get this separately if you could integrate it into a suitable battery. But then the locations of the coding should fit. Anyone who puts such effort into…

But Benken should also do one thing for "researchers": this battery cell data is stored somewhere. If the appropriate coding is suddenly reported, but the battery is in top shape, although it was half dead before, what would be expected from the software?


But the pure voltage source has no number and nothing else but is an electrochemical structure that can be exchanged. If there's electronics here that prevent this via counters etc., it must of course be reset or also replaced. But if that is the case, Ewas knows. There's no point in discussing pros and cons here.

Get in touch with Ewas and make an inquiry: If you can change the cells of your battery, they will let you know… Together with the price for it. Either you trust them with their more than 20 years of experience or not. This is your decision now. In our area, especially with older batteries, people like to go there because they can get the battery repaired cheaply and it is not uncommon for the battery to last longer than the original afterwards. When you go there you hand it in and you can wait for it. Usually you were then sent to the cafe across the street, took a short break with coffee and cake… And then picked up the item again from scratch.