Confiscated laptop damaged after being seized by police?


The police had confiscated my laptop 2 months ago on suspicion of computer fraud.

I got it back a few days ago because it is out of the question as evidence.
There are scratches all over the laptop that weren't there before, but that doesn't interest me, but I can hardly use it anymore because it's suddenly so slow.

Friends told me you installed software.
Is that true and if so, how can I get rid of it so that my laptop works as it did before?


Try to delete everything and reinstall the operating system! So make it completely flat


As soon as the proceedings against you have been closed, you will receive a letter from the public prosecutor and you can report the damage to the public prosecutor; if you can prove it, you will receive compensation.


I assume that they probably put the federal troyan or something on it for you. I mean the real ones, i.e. The spyware that continues to monitor you.

Depending on how old your hard drive or ssd is, I would even advise you to just think about removing the ssd or hard drive and replacing it with a new one. If you still have a conventional hard drive, take ne ssd, it's not much more expensive and you can take advantage of the same benefits as lower battery consumption or vibration resistance.

lg, anna

PS: hekel695's advice is also very good. You are entitled to compensation so take it with you…


So can I tell them to uninstall the spyware again and they make it so easy?

I also have the bill for the laptop, which was only a few months old


The external damage with all the scratches is strange and I also wonder whether they are simply throwing the devices through the guard or what's going on, but ultimately it's not a problem for me, what is a problem for me is the speed but is there any compensation for something like that?


In principle yes, because that is also part of the damage. However, you may also have the right to have it done by an external service provider. But I would clarify this BEFORE exactly.


Whom should I turn to… Clerk? And is that only possible after the end of the procedure, or is it already now?


Then you format everything. But that again makes a lot of work. But then you can work with it with peace of mind, or you can replace your hard drive.


I would do that too. First save all important data (documents and photos) on an external disk and then format it several times.



that you probably got the federal troyan or something

I immediately think of a certain Dieter Nuhr, who once said in one of his satirical presentations:

If you have no idea, just shut up


It's wrong that they confiscate the laptop from someone who obviously can't even format their hard drive and reinstall windows. Woof


I would definitely contact the police headquarters first. If they can't or do not want to help you, possibly to the next higher department…

I found something about this on the internet that could help you, at least if I read correctly: