Income stated even though I have no income, is that bad?


I know, stupid question, but I bought a laptop for school from Amazon. The whole thing runs through Barclaycard. There I had to state what I earn per month, I stated 1000 euro gross, but that's not true. I also didn't have to submit proof. I did the whole thing in small installments so that I can pay off with my monthly pocket money. Schufa etc. Is through, there were no problems because I have no negative entries. Do you think that comes out really stupid and I'll give myself a punishment?

I'm aware that it is not ok but please only answer the question.


You only get problems if you don't pay. They don't really care where the money comes from as long as it comes.


Strictly speaking, this is credit fraud. My brother-in-law once had an almost identical problem.
As long as you always pay on time, you shouldn't have any problems, as long as everything runs smoothly, nobody will check in retrospect.


Credit fraud and is a criminal offense.