Problem with batch file when starting with MS Dos Stick?


Have been struggling with a problem for 2 days and are stuck. I wrote a small batch file that also runs perfectly in the CMD of Win7 or Win XP. If I start this from the stick under Dos7.1, the message "Bad Command or Filename" always appears. Maybe that doesn't work with MS Dos?

The program is to convert a text file into a CFG and take over 9 entered values in the first line. Then a program should be started (which also happens, but without new values). With the query set p / b = there's no query at all. It works perfectly on the laptop.

Hope someone can help me, here's the batch file:

@echo off

attrib -r manuel.cfg

set line = 1

echo Please enter MAC: XX XX XX

echo Then press Enter

set / p d =

set a = 1

> manuel.cfg (for / f "tokens = 1, * delims =:" %% a in ('findstr / nr "^" "exitscfg.txt"') DO (

if "%% a" == "% zeile%" (echo NODEID = 00 60 E0% d%) else (echo (%% b)


attrib + r manuel.cfg

del 8168.cfg

del 8168.bak

copy manuel.cfg 8168.cfg


echo Mac% d% has been installed



P.s.: I'm not a professional and was happy when it ran on the laptop, but then


Comment out the echo off at the beginning, then you can also see where the error message comes from.


With all the commands listed below, the message comes, have pauses built in to see where it hangs. He also lets me type in set p \ nix.