Cheaper pc (no matter if laptop / computer or mini pc)?


Where can I find a cheap PC no matter if laptop computer or mini PC I don't want to gamble on it I want to run several virtual machines on it (up to 20) The performance of the virtual machines should be the worst that can be selected. So I don't need a lot of power. (the price doesn't matter at first)

I don't want to work on the virtual machines or so I only want to have a few tabs open


You can actually get an X any laptop from the Media Markt for 100 euro or so


OK thanks


The question is "Cheaper Pc", but in the description of the question "(the price doesn't matter at first)". The performance should be the worst, but then a cheap pc?


Maybe an Intel nuc


It should be cheap but proper. Doesn't matter the price


So you will need a lot of RAM for up to 20 virtual machines in parallel and also half steam under the hood as far as the CPU is concerned. You won't get away really cheap. And they want to be saved somewhere.

And what should "only have a few tabs open" mean? That sounds more like a browser than anything else…


100 euro Dödelmarkt pickle + heap of virtual machines = does not work.


So 1-2 tabs per virtual machine but the tabs do not consume any ram


Do you know any good pc with good cpu and a lot of ram but bad graphics card because i don't need a good one


The best thing is to tinker yourself. CPU I would take something from the current Ryzen segment, here its many cores bring something good. You will have to calculate 32GB of RAM. Graphics card does it any cheap model I would think.

But what do you mean by "a few tabs open"?


1-2 tabs that do not consume much on the internet


Why not just a normal PC / laptop and like everyone a normal browser. I don't need 4 virtual machines for my 4 tabs…


Yes I know 😂 the question sounds a little strange