Apple phishing mail?


I allegedly received a phishing email from Apple (the email is not from Apple) and supposedly jmd from England signed up for my Apple ID and used $ 20.

If I was not, I should press this button and register.

Unfortunately I accidentally clicked on it and the Google homepage opened.

I then deleted my history with all my passwords and the email. Then I carried out a quick check on my laptop under the term viruses and threat check.

What do you think what that was Does this person have my data? What else should I change and can I still log on to my platforms on my laptop like e.g. PayPal?


You recognized yourself that it was a facemail. You can also check your payments since nothing has been paid for. Just ignore it and use a new unknown email address for the Apple ID.


Yes, nothing was paid. However, I accidentally clicked on the link.

Did this give hackers access to my laptop?


Everything is possible on a PC with Windows, maybe you have Antivir there.

Nothing happens on the Mac.