Photoshop: DynamicLink Media Server is not available. What can I do?

- in Lenovo

I have a laptop from Lenovo, operating system Windows 10. At the moment I have the ProbeAbo of Photoshop CC 2019 in combination with the Creative Cloud.

To my problem, I would like to import a video in Photoshop and then convert it to a GIF. When trying to import the video (.mp4) the following message appears: The command Video Frames in Layers could not be used because the DynamicLink Media Server is not available.

What can I do? I work as an administrator and had read here in the Adobe forum that you might also check the security settings. But what exactly should one check there? The tips in the forum, we have unfortunately not really helped.

Do I still need the for the processing so that the error message disappears?


It may be because a firewall on your computer prevents Photoshop from accessing the Internet.

Or who you have a mac, then I've found what you probably stumbled over:

1. Open the Library (Finder menu bar, press [Option] key, Library appears.)

2. Go to /Library/Preferences/Adobe/amecommand/10.0.0/

3. Check if the file "Trace Database.txt" exists and should be like that, if its content is empty. If empty, delete! (I did not have the parent folder "10.0.0".

4. Go to /Library/Preferences/Adobe/dynamiclinkmediaserver/10.0.0/

5. Same game: Should the file "Trace Database.txt" be empty, delete!

6. Restart Photoshop.


How can I control this with the firewall? I do not have a Mac.


Windows key + R> type wf.msc> execute> here Photoshop allow everything.