ACER or LENOVO. What is better?

- in Lenovo

ACER? Or would you prefer LENOVO?

Both laptops cost exactly the same, both have the Intel i7 processor,

both are equipped roughly the same

According to experience, which brand is better / more recommendable / more robust?

ACER comes from the USA, LENOVO is likely to be a Chinese brand

What was your experience with these two brands?

Are there statistics according to which, for example, LENOVO PCs are more often defective / broken than ACER devices?

Or are these two brands now on the same level (or do they even have exactly the same "innards". Nowadays everything is bought and "mixed". And in the end most of it comes from China anyway)

If you had the choice, which brand would you choose?


Lenovo Thinkpad are the best! They even use astronauts in space on the ISS.


Compare performance and individual component with each other and not brand names. Every brand makes cheap as well as better models. The price makes the performance.

Do you have a favorite model, enter its name & model name on Google and search for test, test reports. This is how you come to an expert opinion in comparison with other models.






Personally, I think Lenovo is better.

My Lenovo always lasts forever, but maybe that is also because it was creeping IBM… IBM / Lenovo… Lenovo and I just imagine it.

Note… Intel CPU is everything but no longer an argument. That would even put me off, even with notebooks