What's going on there (Wi-Fi)?

- in Lenovo

At work I have to struggle with Wi-Fi crashes on my Lenovo ThinkPad e590.

The following is what the wlan says when I try to reconnect it after it has failed: "Can't connect to this network"

Restart and suddenly it works again. Today already 3 times at 8 o'clock

and yesterday also 3 times

At home, when I connect him to the Wi-Fi there, he has no problems at all


The access point may be too far away. Otherwise ask the local system administrator - there can be a thousand reasons.


If you use a company network at work, it may be that there's a setting that throws out all devices that are not known or because you had too many attempts to log in in a short time

just talk to your admin that's what they're there for


You'd better discuss that with your admin. That's what these are for.


As a rule, disconnections are simply due to physical reasons.

Funk is just unstable and the framework conditions are constantly changing.
If the hardware is not good enough, the antenna is not correctly aligned or whatever else is going on in the ISB bands, such effects can occur.