Lenovo Thinkpad T61 / T400 fan compatible?

- in Lenovo

The Lenovo T400 Thinkpad laptop my girlfriend does not drive up independently.

Display: fan error

Now I've cleaned the fan with compressed air. Has not changed anything.

I thought I'd give the part a jump start with a vacuum cleaner on the ventilation slot. And lo and behold the laptop goes up.

I'm assuming that the fan in the A… Is

I have an old T61 Thinkpad to stand in which probably has the motherboard damage.

Can I install the fan of the T61 in the T400 or is that (why always) not?

Oh yes, maybe someone has experience with these things and knows if maybe / or other parts of both laptops are compatible.

Would be great because we're not just swimming in the money and can use every tip.


If the fan is the same model why not.

Otherwise enter on eBay the T400 fan as a search term.

Costs 6 euro

Lenovo Thinkpad T61 T400 fan compatible



T61 and t400 look identical.


Thank you, I would have thought the parts are much more expensive, but still will first test the old T61 he


Yes, I would do that too. Simply connect without mounting. Do you see if it runs and still the error message comes.


Yes, good idea, if it works write it in here.


I'm sorry, I shredded the Lappi before I could connect the fan. Rest in Peace T400.


Well, too bad. Have fun.