Windows 10 Checking Media?

- in Lenovo
Windows 10 Checking Media Windows 10 Checking Media - 1 Windows 10 Checking Media - 2

So that happened from the top when I booted my PC.

So first comes the Lenovo load screen

Then picture 1

Then picture 2

Then picture 3 and he restarts and it comes back.

Information about the PC:

Warranty still available

Windows 10 Home

Lenovo IdeaPad 320


For more information please tell which you still need.


This does not look good. Since it has probably caught the hard drive. Have you also done a good backup of your important data?

You can try to create a CD with a complete operating system (Ububtu or similar) and hope that you can access the hard disk and get important data on a USB. Otherwise, you have the black Peter and you have to save the data from a professional… Which can be expensive.

Oh yes your PC has a guarantee: Send him a dan you get a new hard drive. The data are gone but dan.


I wanted to do one yesterday, but that's what happened


How should I burn a CD with OS if I have no 2nd PC?


Ask a buddy. Also goes on USB stick. But do not worry too much. But it is worth a try. Win 10 stores in the Onedrive Cloud automatically. Not set up?


Yes, have OneDrive


But I have not set it up so everything is saved but I've set up my phone as the data stores