How can I put numbers up on a laptop keyboard?

- in Lenovo

I would like to know how to put up numbers on a laptop. Such as B. ²³ but I don't know how to put the numbers 1,45,6,7,8,9 and 0 so high.

I have a Lenovo laptop with Windows 10, but I don't know how to put the corresponding numbers up.


Not at all, you have to copy that: ⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹ⁿ

For mathematics, ^ x is generally understandable. In many applications where it becomes relevant, this is also transformed, such as here on a good question with TeX syntax:

With Numpad it would also be possible to memorize the Unicode numbers.

Text programs often also offer a list of mathematical symbols.


This can be done e.g. B. Realize easily with LibreOffice.
The X2 symbol is there for this in the menu bar


But I write at Wattpad, and there's no such thing.


Write it with LibreOffice> copy it> paste it into Wattpad, like I did here with the X2.


Thank you