MacBook Air 2017 (i5) vs MacBook Air 2018 (i7)?

- in Macbook

I would like to buy a new laptop… It should be the MacBook Air 13. Now only the question remains whether it will be the model of 2017 or the new of 2018.

Where exactly is the difference? Are they all the same, strong "/ good? Is it worth it to spend about 500 euro more for the new model? Do I have something much longer from the 2018 model? Is the 2017 model already obsolete? Can the i5 processor compete with the i7?

Personally, I only need the laptop for the school / university; surf, documents and presentations. Unfortunately, I have not found anything on the internet where both are compared. The respective technical data tell me unfortunately little, because I have no idea about it. Would be very happy about help!

Man price it should not ultimately lie- but if the 2017 model is at least as good, I do not see it to pay 500 euro more. I would just like to have a bit of a laptop for a long time and not get a new one in two years' time because it's totally outdated ".


O yes! The 2017 models still have the same processor generation as the 2015 models inside! The 2017er Air is eigtl not own model, but only a kind of "reissue" of the 2015er 13 "he Airs.

For your purposes, but the 2017 model is enough - or if you want to save money take one of 2015


Yes, but then it makes no sense to pick up the 2018, if it is up to date? I want to have something like that for as long as possible and I do not have to run a new one next year ♀️😅


Do not buy*


A Mac is durable. Calculator for a MacBook with a lifetime of at least ten years. One year more or less does not matter.


Of course, a 2018 will last longer. But even from a 2015/7 you have a very long what


MacBooks are designed for longevity. The hardware is mostly "outdated" but stable.

An i5 is not really much worse than an i7, especially in the mobile version. Performance miracle is neither one nor the other. Apple only gets the maximum out of the CPU with its OS.

In sum of things it does not matter which one you take.