Youth penalty cultivation?

- in Macbook

I hope to find someone here who might be able to help me.

I'm 17 years old and was sentenced to 80 hours of social work last year for a K & K burglary, which of course I have completed.

in darknet I have forged counterfeit 10 notes that were of lousy quality therefore next order, but I have canceled because I once (finally) have thought what that could have consequences.

3 months later, 4, nice, officials enter the door here after 4 seconds, storm bells. Take mobile phone & laptop with you. Find 0.3g cannabis also find the 10 ordered bills.

Reason for the house search was an intercepted by customs order (1 counterfeit note) in the house search is, however, pressure plate for the production of flowers,

Anyway, my MacBook got it back yesterday. My phone is still in the kripo

On the phone are chats and pictures that clearly show the cultivation of 16 cannabis plants. In addition, Chats where can be occupied that I have sold 70 g, and Before had more to sell, I live with my mother, who helped me with the cultivation. It was grown in total 3 times over a period of 2 years. 1x 16 plants, 1x 4 plants, both indoor and the third on the balcony.

During the search, the officials did not find any plants or equipment.

We have a lawyer on

because we could think that something is found on the phone.

My question now is, what do I have to expect for a punishment, and are the chats & pictures sufficient to condemn me?

Do I get past a probable suspended sentence and an entry in the certificate of good conduct?

I thank everyone for his answer


That depends on the judge.

your social lessons have probably shown no effect. You cheerfully continue with the crimes ---

worrying about the future now is pretty late


If you have the lawyer on it should be able to advise you better than the people here

In how far you can prove something of this is difficult to judge and not how you will be punished for it


My question now is, what do I have to expect for a punishment, and are the chats & pictures sufficient to condemn me?

You will only know that after the court ruling. Depends on many details and the judge. This is not a legal forum.