What are normal temperatures for a notebook?

- in Macbook

I finally get my MacBook Air 2020 delivered after 3 weeks.

I asked in advance and it was reported that the CPU is not being actively cooled. The temperature quickly rises to 100 ° C. Now I have three questions:

What are normal temperatures for a notebook CPU? In my stand computer, the temp. In normal use is ~ 60 ° C (but also with a decent fan and enough space). Of course, it always depends on the load. But it should never reach 100 ° C, should it?

If the CPU always has 100 ° C, does that affect the service life? So it may be that the CPU completely noises at some point?

What would be the optimal temperature at which the CPU should move?


50 to 70 ° C are still okay, but 100 ° C is very dangerous and that will definitely shorten the lifespan of the CPU.


During normal operation, the temperature should not exceed 60-70 degrees. This can be exceeded briefly when the program starts, website visits… Of course, if you do elaborate things, a temperature of 80-100 degrees is quickly reached. You should also pay attention to what you have running in the background.
But 100 degrees is quite a lot. With the MacBookAir, however, it is normal and so intended by Apple (although adequate cooling would be significantly better).
The lifespan of the processor or other semiconductor components is of course reduced. But you won't see the end of your processor anyway. A processor usually lasts for decades. So if you don't plan to use your PC for over 10 years, you don't have to worry.


By the way, there are programs with which you can regulate the temperature. So you can specify that the temperature should only reach 90 degrees. In return, however, this means that you will have less performance.


So my CPU reaches about 60-65 ° under load… But it's not an apple either


Yes I had to switch off the Turbo boost anyway and put a Termo Pad on the CPU


No, the operating temperature of 100 ° C is not normal, it is mostly due to the cooling, the fan being like dust, turning off the laptop and cleaning the fan and air ducts.

I clean fans and air ducts if necessary, work more slowly at once and or get louder.