Can I get my MacBook Pro repaired?

- in Macbook

I have a MacBook Pro 2019 version. This still works perfectly and is in very good condition.

The only reprehensible thing about the software is that my Safari doesn't work, a few app store little things, on the whole a few things that bother me in the laptop itself, which shouldn't be the way they are. I once saved all my data on a stick and "reset" the laptop, just like buying it new and somehow that didn't help.

He has a couple of beckers on the edge because it fell down from a low height and I may have ended up somewhere.

Can I have my laptop repaired from the outside (hardware or just the aluminum on the outside) and put it back on again, in good German, the MacBook that I bought for 1,500 euro "refurbished" like brand new and still let's just say a maximum of 100-200 have to spend euro. Is the?


Set up again is free if you do it yourself. It is unnecessary to run to a store or a specialist workshop for this.

Regarding the dents: It depends on whether it is the display or the housing itself. In both cases, the repair costs well over 200 euro. The display is only a little cheaper to exchange than the housing (with the display only 5-10 additional parts have to be removed, with the housing every component). So it's not worth it for the visual defects.