IMessage = Email?

- in Macbook

I have some questions regarding iMessages on Apple devices. Imagine sending a short message to Mr. X on my laptop through iMessage using his email address. Mr. X will then receive this message on his MacBook and his iPhone. But does he receive it as an email or message in the iMessage app?

Second question: What is the meaning of iMessages? What advantages would it have compared to an email address?

Last question: Does the iMessage app need to be open to receive messages / messages (that is, to get the "notification")? (If you have Skype on an iPad or iPhone, for example, then Skype does not need to be open to receive the messages).


It reaches him in the news app as iMessage, which actually does not compete with me email, but has the advantage of end to end encryption

On iDevices, the app does not have to be open, but on Macs


Xmpp also comes to an end and is opensource


After that was not asked.


Just because a program comes from Apple, you do not automatically condemn it. Here's a Mac hater at work!