MacBookPro lost / forgotten on vacation. Is there a chance?

- in Macbook

I was on vacation in Croatia last week. On the return trip, I still had it safe, only when I dropped it out of the suitcase, or I put it briefly to the side, so unfortunately I do not remember. The MacBook would have to be in Slovakia or possibly also in Austria. Unfortunately, he is reported as Offline at Apple FinderApp. If such a laptop at a rest stop will give, what happens there? Will it be stored there or will it be reported to the police? I just need a way, who or what I have to reach to possibly find my laptop.


You will forget your laptop!


No chance wenns is abroad, nor do you know exactly where it is.


But suppose it finds a person, wants to keep and resell my laptop. Can he reset my laptop so easily that I do not get it through the Apple App? I also locked my laptop and deleted everything on the computer.

Is there really no chance anymore?


But suppose it finds a person, wants to keep and resell my laptop. Can he reset my laptop so easily that I do not get it through the Apple App? I also locked my laptop and deleted everything on the computer.

Is there really no chance anymore?


Unfortunately, you have very little chance! Honest Finder are rare today and the scammers know all the tricks!


Well, sure one or the other trick something to work around.

The fact that it is abroad makes things even more complicated.


It can only display its location when it is online. You can do the following under

display a message, e.g. Name, phone number and request to return it
lock it
delete it

This of course only happens when it is turned on and online.

If you have encrypted the hard drive and set a firmware password no one comes to your data or can simply delete the SSD and reinstall macOS. It does not get back from that, but it is still a small consolation, I think.


Yes and no. Hard drive is encrypted and firmware password set? Then not. Otherwise yes.