Amazon requires an affidavit for a lost package in the warehouse?


Have a notebook (value about 1500 euro) due to a defect returned to Amazon. But after a chat with Amazon, I found out that the package apparently was lost in the warehouse. Now Amazon wants me an affidavit, the computer is also in the package, but that makes me somehow suspicious, since that is the problem of Amazon, if they can't find the package and therefore not check whether the computer in there, I'm not sure if I should sign this statement, as I can be made responsible if the shipping route By DHL, something of the content may have been lost or? I'm just afraid that I make myself liable if I sign this now, if Amazon has lost the package or?


Then I would first ask DHL. The package should be insured.


With the liability such a declaration has nothing to do. But in general, this procedure amazes me anyway, an effective affidavit must be made in front of an authority, if you give such a statement only with Amazon, it should be in the legal sense, in general, generally meaningless.


The package is certainly arrived at Amazon according to shipment tracking.


So would you sign this statement or not?


Yes, since, as I said, the declaration has no legal force.


Thank you for your help, would it be legal if I write that I exclude my liability for loss or the like?


You can do that - but the affidavit has no relation to liability per se.


Thank you for your help.


I think they need your affidavit to report the case of their liability in order to reimburse you for the equipment.