Does the job center pay for a laptop for a new job?


I have been using Alg2 for some time and have a new job from 2.11 on. It is a lateral entry and the "training" lasts 5 months. But still earn so much that I don't need any more support. I received an email today that the training is taking place virtually through corona and that I need a laptop for it. But I have absolutely no penny and it will be a month before I get my first salary. Does the job center pay me a laptop if I can prove that I absolutely need it?


The job center rarely finances such things, and only if it would get you a job. But since you already have your job and the office will no longer be responsible for you from next month, they will no longer invest any money in you. See if you can borrow money from friends / acquaintances.


Does the job center pay me a laptop if I can prove that I absolutely need it?

Submit an application and wait for a decision.

I suspect it will amount to a loan.