Save money as a student?


And the situation is that my mom is a single parent and gets help from the job center. We're 3 siblings and I'm currently studying and receive full benefits from student loans. I also work in online trading, so I buy and sell things on a private basis, so that I don't generate a lot of sales per month. I also repair other people's cell phones and computers / notebooks from time to time, who then give me money for them. But I will not exceed more than 450, which I'm allowed to earn tax-free as a student. Instead of just spending the money, I save the money in an extra savings account and have already saved a lot (over 3000 euro).

My mom now thinks that the job center does not allow me to save so much money and that I should spend it (she was told by a worker from the job center). Do I really have to spend the money or can I save it for the future, if difficult times should come?


Save the money elsewhere. Bar at home e.g.


Just save the money at home in a shoebox


Yes, my mom told me too, but when it's there, you think, oh come on, take a little, there's enough there and so on😂

And it's not black money or something. If you save it that way, you could get it wrong😂😂


I also work in online trading, so I buy and sell things on a private basis, so that I don't generate a lot of sales per month. I also repair other people's cell phones and computers / notebooks from time to time, who then give me money for them.

And have you reported all this income regularly to the JC up to now?

Your mother signed that when you submitted the application… And the duty to cooperate - duty to provide information. Earned income - also apply to you:

My duties to cooperate

People who apply for or receive benefits in accordance with SGB II are required to cooperate: This means that all information in the application and in the attachments submitted must be correct and complete. Changes that occur after the application has been submitted and that may affect the benefits (e.g. Starting work, relocation) must be reported to the responsible job center immediately. The duty to cooperate must be observed by all members of a community of benefits. If these obligations to cooperate are violated, as a rule, all beneficiaries of a community of needs will reclaim excess payments. If there are other people in your community of needs, you should, as a representative, include all members when filling out the application and coordinate the essential and relevant information with them. Please also ensure that all members receive all necessary information (e.g. Notices). A breach of the duty to cooperate can also lead to an administrative offense or criminal proceedings against the person who disregarded the above-mentioned duties. The job center collects information about income and assets (e.g. Wages, investment income, pensions) from various offices by means of an automated data comparison. Concealed income and assets are therefore regularly known subsequently

The additional earnings limit (450 euro), which you have credit-free according to the Bafög rules, does not apply to SGB II… There this income is credited to your needs.


How much wealth can you have at Hartz 4?

The # basic allowance for assets at Hartz 4 amounts to 150 euro per year of life. The basic allowance for minors is 3,100 euro.


She's not wrong but the heist is only 150 euro times your age!

Anything about it can become a problem!

But as a student you no longer belong to the bg and that's why you get a student loan!

But you'd better read that in the social security code! But since no money is paid for you by the office you have nothing to do with the office! Except that they tell you that you have to pay so much rent if you still live at home!


The state doesn't care where you save your money, be it under the mattress.

But he is interested in whether you are fulfilling your existing reporting obligations to the job center, student loan office, tax office or health insurance company about your income.


First of all I hope for you that you have reported and verified your income well, otherwise it will cause trouble at some point!

You can also save with ALG - 2 withdrawals under 21 years of age max. 3100 euro + one-time 750 euro for necessary purchases = 3850 euro, from 21 years of age 150 euro + these one-time 750 euro.

How old are you, what does your mother have to pay for the KDU - costs of accommodation and heating = warm rent, what for the monthly discount for normal household electricity, what do you get in student loans - and what do you earn on average every month?

If you are still under 25, you would form a BG (benefit community) with your mother if you can't cover your needs from your own creditable income.

Under the age of 25, your mother will still receive child benefit for you, plus your eligible student loan + your other income.

If you were to be able to cover your needs yourself with your creditable income, then you would be out of the BG - your mother and your no longer needed child benefit would then be distributed back to your mother's income and accordingly to the needs of the other BG.

If, then, assuming your full child benefit would already be offset against the rest of the BG, nothing of your income should then be offset against the BG, then you should also have more assets because you would then no longer belong to the BG.

But if you still need part of your child benefit to cover your own needs, then you would be out of the BG - your mother, but you would still have to adhere to the regulations of SGB - II.

If you then had more assets than you are allowed to have, it would depend on how much you would lie above it and what you would still need from the child benefit to cover your needs.

More than this 100 euro child benefit should not be counted towards the rest of the BG - if you have more income or assets.


Yes, I'm under 25. I get money from the bafög. My mother gets alg2, but not me. I was told that I wasn't there because I got bafög and nothing from the JobCenter. I don't earn more than 400 a month, even if things go well 😅. Buy and sell and my turnover is no more than 400.


Yes, if I earn more, then I'll be out of the BG, but not among the 450. I have it at the aok. The job center says I'm not one of them because I get bafög


That has only secondary something to do with your student loan!

You are not automatically out of the BG - your mother just because you get Bafög - you are only out if you either have min. 25 or can meet your own needs from your own qualifying income.

Before the changes in the SGB - ll from August 1st, 2016, you would have been out of the BG - your mother, regardless of whether you covered your needs with your creditable income or not.

Then you had max. An entitlement to a subsidy for the uncovered costs for the portion of the warm rent, this subsidy also came from the job center, but it was not considered as SGB II benefits.

It therefore depends on how high your mother's basic needs are and how high your eligible income.

So if I assume correctly that you are 4 people in the household with you, then the warm rent must be divided by 4 people, that results in the head portion of the warm rent and then min. Still the standard needs for subsistence.

For you that would currently be 345 euro if you are between 18 - 24, from 2021 it will be 357 euro as a rule.

Assuming your mother would have to pay 800 euro per month for the warm rent, then the head portion of the warm rent would be 200 euro each and then min. Your normal requirement of 357 euro.

Your need would then be at min. Let's say 557 euro per month!

For the time being, the child benefit would be fully offset against your needs as your income, because you already have allowances on your student loans or earned income.

So if you say what you get in student loans and what your mother has to pay for the rent, then you can almost certainly say whether you are out of the BG or not or whether you can then save what you want.

Because you can be out of the BG - your mother, that would be the case if you were no longer entitled to ALG - 2, but if you still needed some of your child benefit to cover your needs, you would still have to contact the Adhere to the regulations of SGB - II, i.e. Also comply with the allowances of the ALG - 2 protected assets.