My mother is just in front of the screen?


I'm 15 years old and I have been burdened for several months by a small but for me serious cause. My mother has a lot to do, so go shopping, cook and do her everyday life, but often she just lasts for hours on her laptop. My remaining family does not really itch. She is mostly on Facebook and Twitter. Whenever I speak to her or ask her questions, she often reacts overwhelmed and gives me only a short answer and looks straight back at her screen.

But if I want to talk to her for a longer time, if only for a minute and her screen turns black (sleep mode), she is totally annoyed and usually does not even go into what I asked her.

One day, I cleared out my entire Blue Ray collection and dragged several piles down. She was so busy that she did not even notice, even though I passed her 5 times.

This sometimes frustrates me so incredibly. Do you find that normal? When I talk to her, she says she reads interesting stuff on Facebook.


Since when do mothers have to tell their 15-year-old boy how often she is allowed to lap-top


Your mother is old enough to decide how long she sits at the Lappi.

Otherwise she is doing everything that has to be done.

I suppose that at the age of 15, you do not need constant supervision by your mother anymore.

Likewise, you will not constantly stand next to your mother and ask about her feelings.

It's best to ask your questions when your mother is not busy.


The discussion I know somewhere ;-), but not so blatant.

I always find it fascinating to work all day, then eventually fall on the sofa and take out the right to do the things that are important to yourself, with which you relax or distract yourself: just then the family has important things to talk about with me.

Then I ask myself: am I breathing, when I'm washing dishes, clearing things away from other people, moving within the 4 walls: even during the time I have ears, can talk and think. If someone would help me while talking: = goal achieved.

So yes, I think that's normal.