My parents hit me?


My parents beat me when I was little, only then I couldn't be myself.

Today: my mother dragged me to the physiotherapist… I explicitly told her that I didn't want to go there, but yes…

In the last few weeks we have been visiting some doctors very often…

Yes, we were there at the Fysio, she asked me what hurts and I couldn't tell her because I've had a doctor phobia since 10 … Then she asked me why I was there at all and I said that my mother wanted that but I did Not…

Then she said that it wouldn't do anything if I wasn't ready either… So we drove home again…

my mother said nothing the whole trip…

I was so ashamed that when we got home I just stayed in the car because I didn't dare to get out…

after 10 minutes my "mother" came back and said I should get out and that she hopes that I'm aware of how I embarrassed her…

I told her that I don't want to get out…

then she forcibly pulled me out of the car and dragged me across the asphalt… To get to our front door you have to climb a staircase… Since I'm already heavy, she couldn't pull me over the stairs so she yelled at me and hit me on me that I should go inside… At the moment I have severe cramps and just don't want to be there anymore… I think that I also have depression… My "parents" always ask me why I can't just be normal… I want to leave but also not because our dog, my grandma and my siblings live here… I know that I make big mistakes and that I'm a big burden for my parents, but that's why they don't have to hit me right away, do they? Should I apologize to my mother? She also took my cell phone from me… I'm currently writing on my laptop that I need for school… So I can't and may not turn to my friends… If anything is unclear, just ask


So you have to turn on the youth welfare office. This is not good for you. And if you really don't want to call it, talk to your teacher. Is of course stupid during Corona. But you have to get help. It is important that you have a good childhood. Your parents can legally beat you up.


It doesn't happen that often anyway and childhood is long gone 🙂


I'm so sorry… I know the feeling that when I was 13 I tried to kill myself because I thought I was a big burden for my family.

Before you think about running away, how bad is it?

So physically: do you have bruises, abrasions, etc?

Then mentally: is this the first time you cry about it? Does it get to the point where you think about harming yourself? Etc.

Ask yourself these and similar questions in order to realize how bad it really is and if you think it is very bad or maybe not now, but you notice in the future that it will be too much for you, you can contact a tutor or during Homeschooling, especially contact the youth welfare office


You irritated your mother and she lost her nerve.

You can understand that.

Apologize to the physiotherapist for the number and talk to her.


What exactly should she apologize for? In any case, I don't read from the text that she actually did something wrong. Her parents took her to a physiotherapist against her will for a reason unknown to us, she could not describe her symptoms to him and so they drove back home. Is that a legitimate reason to hit your kid?


Tell me your teachers: they will find a solution with you and your parents. If you don't want that, they won't call the youth welfare office either. Really do that


I'm sorry for you!
I don't want to run away because our dog and my grandma and my siblings also live here… And besides, where should I go?
small abrasions
oh no, I'm not crying for the first time and yes, don't just think…


Counter-question: what's so bad about going to a physiotherapist? Isn't a reason for a child (isn't a doctor…) to freak out like that. But we don't know the details.


Then it's best to reach out to an older sibling (if you have one) or to an adult you trust.


She has a phobia!


Stay on the ground sometimes.

It's called Physiotherapist, with Ph, not F. Please. In addition, a physiotherapist is not a doctor. They are usually very nice and lovable people who want to help you move around better. I don't understand why you refuse so? They're not doctors.

Yeah, your mother lost her nerve. Of course that's not nice. But you weren't exactly cooperative either. There will be something healthy.

You could have slept in the car - would you have preferred that to your bed?

I would say that this is the beginning of puberty when a child gets this hysterical. Pardon - if the parents suddenly become exhausting.

My tip: talk to your grandma about it, you seem to get along quite well with her.

For everyone else: No, I don't want to gloss over the behavior, but kids at that age tend to exaggerate.


I would rather call it the onset of puberty.

And if you have a doctor phobia, you are not allowed to accept any health benefits more than 12 years old? Interesting.


I haven't read anything about freaking out here, only that she couldn't describe her symptoms because she was so nervous. This can happen to a 12 year old child. But even if she had freaked out - you don't hit a child!


I don't have… Not available…


My grandma is deaf and can only see 5%


Maybe to a teacher?


Haha no, they are interested in something but not…