Is there a movie provider for my usage profile?


Since I noticed that you have to be part of the Amazon Prime member to order a normal DVD, I have thought about what source of supply there are still films.

Actually, DVDs or Blurays are not so optimal for me, as many of my playback devices have no corresponding drive at all, and since I hate the advertising, delay and FBI references to it. Often I watch movies from media libraries that are played on the TV directly from the USB stick, which is the best solution for me, since it is very comfortable, and I can view the files alternatively on the laptop. But is there such an offer even for films that are not available in media libraries?

I imagine something similar to what happens in the music industry, that you can download a simple file that can be played back on any device. At Amazon e.g. Is it often when buying an audio CD automatically MP3s to do so. So if you got a downloadable video file with the purchase of a DVD, that would be interesting.

There are also platforms like, where you can probably buy movies as pure digital content without DRM. These can then be downloaded at any time after logging in, but there are only extremely few films. That would be optimistic, honestly.

Streaming such as Netflix, Disney, Amazon video, HBO, etc. Is rather out of the question, because my Internet is too slow, and you would end up 5 different contracts, because each platform offers only a part of the relevant films.

In summary, the wish list:

Download a movie file without DRM
purchased content can be downloaded again and again, so as not to permanently burden your own memory
no subscription fees
no advertising before or after the films


For Amazon and Netflix you do not need a fast Internet the resolution is automatically adjusted that it runs with you and you can also download the movies and later watch offline.


"Download a movie file without DRM"

If not, the illegal copy would only help more. Also with Gog you hardly get AAA titles for the reason.

"purchased content can always be downloaded again in order not to permanently burden your own storage"

And who should pay for the servers where your movies are always available to retrieve if you have paid only once a few euro?

"Since I noticed that you have to be part of the Amazon Prime Member in order to order a normal DVD"

I have never experienced. There are "Prime Exclusive" offers but nothing you could not order without Prime.


The first two arguments, however, were refuted both with Gog and other platforms. Gog works and is adopted by the game developers, although there's no DRM, which is synonymous with the provision of servers for gaming platforms such as Steam, GOG, Origin, etc. And there are synonymous with some games to 100 gigabytes. The Prime is really true, I had not seen before, but now it is so, there's no alternative offer for these DVDs on Amazon.


I nearly can't believe that. Can I save the film on a USB stick and then watch it on the TV without Internet connection? Basically, I'm annoyed as I said on these streaming platforms, that you have to run many subscriptions in parallel, or often the movie you are looking for is not available if you use only one or a few providers.


Nothing is there Refuted. On GOG there are hardly any top games for the reason that there's no DRM. That's why "Good Old Games", because there are hardly any new ones there.

The gaming platforms also live from their players. Make enough money with DLC and other stuff. Movies that are on any server, even without advertising as you expect, but bring just no permanent revenue.

And I would like to see an Amazon Prime Exclusive DVD. But even if, shops sell the films on DVD / BluRay there are really enough.


But it is so šŸ˜

Netflix offers mainly series and if you are newer films, it is rather bad for all providers


Unfortunately, the film industry does not do it like the music industry.

Your wishes are about illegal sources. Or you just uses the possibilities you have already listed. Public-law media libraries can use the software to crawl and download content.

Netflix offers download, but only on mobile devices and can then be played only where it is downloaded. In addition, this is not always offered.

Amazon Prime Video annoys with trailer about own productions in front of what you really want to see. Can you skip, but I was not enough, I quit because of it. If I want to see what has to start what I want to see and no trailer. I do not make any compromises. That's why I do not like DVD / Blu-Ray any more. However, you can still rip and then has a DRM free file on the hard drive. Stupidly synonymous but not legal because a copy protection by software must be bypassed.

VoD services would not close at the same time anyway, makes no sense. Better you look at what you want to see everything and who has it, and then uses the VoD services quasi in succession. Since you can cancel them monthly and simply online, that would be no problem with the contracts.

Then there are services that record the TV program, what you have virtually programmed and that you can download. But is nothing else like what to record on the TV - in addition, one would still have the advertising in the private.


You can't download but only stream the digital movies you buy on Amazon Video. So I pay once 3-5 euro per film (for promotions / offers) and can stream it as often as I want. That's a few GB per movie.
This burden carries Amazon without that they have any further income from me (no subscription, no additions).

Make my films available at any time for the few toads that I have paid. Personally, I would not mind loading them onto my hard drive.


Yes, I always use media library. Otherwise, I see most of the same, but with the VoD one after another seems to be pretty stressful, so you have to plan a long time in advance, what you want to see and can't decide spontaneously. Also you have to read through many terms and conditions and possibly with the terms of payment herumƤrgern (for example, I have no credit cards, so I can't shop in some shops.) Especially with American providers that is often necessary). The ribs I'll try, I've read something from VLC, but I'm still not sure how reliable that works, also takes so much time, and storage space. I could also take a closer look at your first idea.


I did not know that yet, I thought they would only be unlocked for a few days. But since I see such a system as a step towards the glazier citizens, I would prefer to have a solution that works offline after the purchase and does not collect data every time I see the movie again.


But, of course there are top games there, a lot of games are even there at the same time as Steam. Exceptions are the games of EA, Ubisoft, which operate their own shops.

At Amazon, I found it convenient to order DVDs incidentally, to top up the value of the goods to over 29 euro to save on shipping costs, but that's not possible. You can buy most films as normal, but lately I've seen more and more prime-exclusive ones. I suspect that in most other shops also basically shipping costs, but I'll look around a bit.


I can't do it without KK, but I often shop in US stores and others.

In Germany you actually take bank and direct debit. Maxdome, Netflix and Amazon Prime are easy to cancel online and the subscription runs until the last day. So you could already terminate immediately after completing.

For a bad internet connection but you would have to try out how the quality is. In the lower area, it is more eye cancer. I see when I download something and then stream. Ugly.

Whether you can copy with VLC protected videos, I do not know. Can't imagine it, except it "films" almost from. Like a desktop recorder (that would be legal).
Know MakeMKV as a simple ripping tool. I never used it though. Is too much work for me, I prefer to do this work others and then invite you down. XD


You can also borrow. On action days, this costs 99 cents per film as a prime member. Since you have a few days to watch it.
Buying is a permanent right of use. How permanent will show up.

The data collection bothers me now not even so, since the lives of stop. It bothers me rather that one depends on them. N (DRM free) download or ne Blu-Ray can't be so easily withdrawn.


I have already thought about Bluray, but I have no player and see the problem that the development is too fast. A few years ago there were normal Bluray players, today there are 4k and HDR blurays, which may then no longer work with the old device. And to transfer the contents to the driveless laptop, the file sizes are too much. The model would actually be ideal, video files from 20 years ago on the hard disk you can still play without problems.


I sometimes like to switch between German and English (grad for movies with music) and that is the Blu-Ray player, if the video many languages impossible annoying because you have to zap through all, in order.
At Netflix and Co. I can choose the desired language directly on-the-fly. Even if I play videos from my hard drive.
But the device that was made for something, can't do something simple. Then skipping trailers and rights information is often prevented (absolute NoGo).

The best are but the official programs for playing Blu-Rays on the PC. For example, Cyblink PowerDVD. Since you will be denounced immediately. The mouse is disabled for navigation and you get something like a remote control with which you then have to navigate.
I take screenshots now and then, do not go to the official programs. Ridiculous. As if I could copy a movie through screenshots.
So one is dependent on the "unofficial" players who do not take a closed DRM chain seriously. But they have other disadvantages, is not so convenient to access additional content, do not show the menu, etc.

I can generally no longer recommend optical media.

It will not be less at home. I have a shelf full of over 300 Blu-Rays. I would have to set up a secondā€¦ But I will not. Or I would have to sell all the unwanted titles, I'm not even bothered (adjust, organize shipping material, ship, possibly afterwards still fumble with buyers). So the model has served its purpose.

Yes, such a system as in music would be ideal for video. The film industry is so behind because of their DRM fears and constraints.

I'm just downloading and / or streaming. I used to rip it myself, but that's quite time consuming.
My Blu-Ray player I used in the end only because of the apps (Netflix), but I now have the Fire Stick.

Another disadvantage is the player and discs, I have to go to the shelf and raussuchen me the title and insert the disc xD