CPU usage fluctuates greatly MSI laptop - new-?


The laptop is only 2 months old, is that normal?

Sometimes up to 15% in normal state [nothing open]

CPU usage fluctuates greatly MSI laptop - new- CPU usage fluctuates greatly MSI laptop - new- - 1 CPU usage fluctuates greatly MSI laptop - new- - 2

It is perfectly normal.

Laptop processors have a low base clock rate, but a high turbo clock rate. The turbo clock is only used when you start CPU-intensive processes (games, rendering, etc.). Otherwise the processor stays at the base rate. That is relatively low. In order to save electricity, the performance is reduced, so to speak. Therefore, the utilization is a little higher because there's less power (energy saving). In addition: It is normal for the processor to be used up to 20% while idling. 0% is just not possible.


Perfect thank you