How easy can you hack?


So… Today I was on yt and commented on a comment then someone answered me (who seemed very strange to me, because he did not show his personality and gave me an impression that he is keeping something quiet or I can't trust him) has sent me a link to a page the "discordapp" was called frauf was: "" she has invited, etc. (The rest I do not know wa because stood there) was his profile picture to see (not a nice profile picture) and his username. So, when I went back a few hours ago on the left there was nothing, no profile picture no "she invited to"… Etc… Then I have another anderea comment discovered by him where he also wrote a link to this discordapp ( the link had at the end completely different numbers and numbers) where I asked myself how he made it well gat so that his profile picture etc sees… Then I remembered a video where someone had such a sticker in front of the camera on the laptop because of hacking… I do not know if he has hacked me now because when I press the second time on it no profile picture and no "* has invited you, etc. Saw… Is just a guess of me… But it may be possible that he hacked me Because he worked for me so that he would actually be such a guy who likes to do such things…


Show the link. Just because you have clicked on a link will not hack your camera directly. He probably just logged your IP or something.


No, that was an invitation to discord, it's similar to teamspeak.


That will not be able to answer you here, possibly in Cmd Netstat and every single Ip check

Or just use VPN and do not have such worries


Discord you should actually know. This is similar to Whatsapp. But without an invitation you can't get in there.


Discord is like Teamspek you can create a server where you can talk, write, send pictures, … Can. You come to the servers with an invitation (the link) you can make them infinite or temporary, e.g. 1 time that means the first time they would be from… Invited the second time is nothing.


If he opens malicious links and draws malware, usually also no VPN brings. Maybe for anonymization yes… But he can infect his system as well.