Are notebooks with aluminum housing harmful?


Some (tend to be higher quality) notebooks have an aluminum housing. In principle, aluminum is suspected of being carcinogenic. A notebook is an object that you are in contact with more often, to put it simply.

Is there also the risk that carcinogenic aluminum particles thus reach the body via the hands / skin?


Al is the third most common element on this planet where we walk.

Afraid of Alunotebooks? Did not Mr. Musk want to go to Mars? That would be an option. Should give more iron there.


We will soon have no items to produce things when it continues. In 50 years, everything is carcinogenic…


Not more than your wrapped in aluminum foil kebab. In addition, aluminum forms a dense oxide layer in the air (passivation). So you do not even touch it directly. All these dangers are attributed to aluminum salts from deodorants and so on.


"Water causes cancer" - the book is actually missing from Kopp-Verlag.


Haha: D


Metallic aluminum in the form of commodities is not a problem.

But it is harmful to swallow aluminum as metal because it is attacked by the stomach acid.

It is controversial to swallow aluminum salts, hydroxides and oxide. This was not previously considered so harmful, it was a remedy for stomach pain


The plastic that makes up the keys of the keyboard is many times more carcinogenic than the aluminum it will ever be.