Buy a used laptop on eBay classifieds?


A 5 month old laptop is on sale on eBay Classifieds for 500 euro. Original price is 700 euro. In my case, I couldn't pick it up and it would have to be shipped. The seller seems to be reputable. Would you buy a laptop from a private seller?


It depends on how you can pay.


PayPal or bank transfer


You can't pay with both at the same time. How would you pay


If he lets you pay with PayPal, you can get the money back with Scam. Maybe just ask if you can pick it up even if you don't. He would probably answer yes because it saves him shipping. If he says no ask for a reason, if that is not there I would be careful. If the seller's reviews are bad I wouldn't buy it. I don't think you can go wrong with a guarantee.