Alternatives to BAföG? What can I do?


I'll be 18 soon and will be going to a BK graphic design this August. It is a private school which costs about 250 per month. Being in a big city for which I need about 1 1/2 hours to catch the train until I get there, I have to draw near for the week maybe a shared flat or a 1 bedroom apartment. Depending on what I find. In addition, I have to pay monthly programs that I need for school and a laptop, I have to get me too. And I have to eat as well as buy materials. Now my parents cross this BAföG border and I have bad chances to get a BAföG. Are there alternatives? I plan to earn some more money myself before the school starts. But the BK goes 3 years.


To renounce the LUXURY of an expensive private university and to attend a state university - there are no tuition fees.

Your parents are responsible for financing your livelihood if their income is so high that you are not eligible for Bafög.

If you need more money => Jobben.



I was at a social science high school, but recently broke off so I can just go to this school. I already passed the entrance exam and paid a lot of money for the preparatory courses. Turning around again is out of the question. Then I'll probably Jobben, will find something suitable, thank you!


You break the school off, now spend a lot of money and to have not spent that useless, there's no going back? Think about it exactly if you want to pay 3 years as much money for something you can get for free.

This is about 9000 euro school fees in the 3 years.


I realize that this is a big sum, but in my environment there are only graphic design schools that cost a bit.


It will not work without parents' support (which is yours).

You could work part-time (up to 20 hours / week), but the total social security contributions alone will not cover the rent, maintenance and school fees.

You could also work during the holidays. From age I have always worked at the temporary employment agency. In 6 weeks you can earn a good 2,500 euro gross at 40 hours / week (net of course less).

But I do not quite understand why you need another alternative? The alternative to Bafög is just maintenance (your parents have enough income) and for the tuition you go next job stress-free job. To earn 250 euro a month is not the problem.