BaFöG: What do you spend it on as a student?


I'm 2nd semester and I'm getting a Bafög since the first semester - I still live at home, but my parents have a low income. - Incidentally, I work on 450 euro basis - This is how I feel about the month pretty well.

Often I have the feeling to steal too much money. - I often buy clothes, go out more often, book holidays and go to festivals. I also bought a new laptop for example for the university.

A friend said to me (who lives very sparingly) that I'm just careful not to knock everything out. - But I always ask myself that; why not? I still do not have to pay rent and I'm doing well financially. Should I now always cover 50% for the future and otherwise give up much? I live now.

That's why I'm very interested in: Am I the only one who even outgrows 400 euro Bafög for various things that does not have to do with Uni? (Traveling, eating out, etc.) - What do you spend it on, you always save 50% to pay back later?


As a former student, I myself have always covered half of the Bafögs monthly. This was definitely worth it because later on I was able to pay back my Bafög debts quickly. I was very sparing with it. Ultimately, everyone has to know best for themselves what he does with his money.


Since you live at home and only get student loans because your parents have proven they do not have enough income to support you with this income, the money should also be spent on what it is for: rent, electricity, water, Heating, food, hygiene items (eg toilet paper, shampoo, soap, etc.), detergents etc.

If all your parents pay for you, then you should also give them the money for these costs. Because as I said: You only get Bafög, because your parents have proven that they can't handle it alone. If you take the money out now for luxury, travel, food, and use it as pocket money, you'll use your parents and take them out. That's not fair.

If you stick to it, you would not have that much money to "cut out".

The 450 euro from the part-time job, I would partially cover for later. Take off, bail, clothes for the first job (for example, suits, etc.). You should have a few thousand euro on the high ridge (that's okay with Bafög as well).


Am I the only one who even outfits 400 euro Bafög for various things that do not have to do with Uni?

And what cost contribution do you make monthly to your parents, which according to your statement a small! Have income?

Can they also cut out 400 euro per person per month for clothes and parties? Because even those only live once - and statistically, their lives will end before yours - so they should start to treat themselves as soon as possible.


In addition a "verbal" thank you for your open but important words.