WLAN alternatives - for one person?


I'm looking for an idea or alternative to WLAN.

I know myself in the matter of NOT and would like to know whether a wireless router is worthwhile for a person in the household and whether there are good alternatives?

I use Wi-Fi, but I'm not at home all day. Watch videos, sometimes more. Use WLAN especially for research I often have on the laptop and HAndy…

I do not know how much internet that consumes. Keep a router unnecessary for one person. I do not know

Does anyone have an idea or advice?


Well… As you already concede yourself, you do not know yourself in the matter!

If you have a landline phone in your private apartment, you already need a converter from "Erdleitungs- Datentechnik" to "landline telephony"… Without it will not work. And such converters are only available in routers, which still provide the network for Internet. That's why you do not come around… Except, you have a landline instead of a landline phone and uses the Internet via UMTS… But then no communication port in the apartment / house.

About data volume / consumption: When no one surfs, the router needs no data volume on… The usual flat rate, so "theoretically" unlimited. To access the Internet, you use your own network, where the router is the central control.

On the subject of LAN / WLAN: If you want to access the Internet, you plug yourself either with a network cable on the router or a LAN box, which is connected to the router to. Or you go over WLAN, that is the cordless LAN, which goes over radio… Nothing else like a cable by radio.

So much for the basics…


You work with laptop and mobile phone, because you are without Wi-Fi, at least with the laptop tied to a place or as limited as your LAN cable is long.

Since it would render either use a wireless router or to position a simple wireless access point at a central location in the apartment.

Which is also possible, if you do more with the Handy than with the laptop, to make the network map to a WLAN Hotspot. However, this depends on whether the WLAN network card of your laptop supports this. Disadvantage: Your laptop remains stationary!

Link for idea 1: https://www.amazon.de/...011RACHN4/

Link for idea 2: https://support.microsoft.com/...le-hotspot


So if you use a pc or a mac, whether as a laptop or stationary device. Should you already have good frievolume, because there are also updates, etc. Running. And a mobile tariff with a correspondingly large free volume also costs accordingly…

i.e. I would say it's worth it (conditionally)


I do not want to look stupid but what is a wireless access point? How does it work then do not need a router?


Counter question, how are you going to the internet?