Can I get a student loan even though I live with my mother?


I'm 17 years old and go to a vocational high school. My mother is single, which means she does not make big money. I have to take a lot, while others buy new clothes every winter and summer I usually have to run around with the clothes from the previous year (which I really do not mind too much) … I would like to save money for special things. A notebook for school but that is not, unfortunately, because I get no or irregular pocket money, for what my mom can do nothing… Now my question is if I could possibly apply for Bafög or the like, so that I get so little pocket money… From my Class thought that her sister had been granted a bafög for 2 years even though she lived with her parents.

Please no stupid answers.

And thank you in advance.

Ahh and one more thing:

If I could apply for a loan, where exactly would I have to do that?


Unfortunately you are not entitled to Bafög.

As far as the clothes are concerned, I'm a bit confused, I buy new things when the old ones do not do it anymore, so there's a need. I do not buy any new things, because I already wore them in the previous year, there's probably no greater waste of resources


To be honest, these are 12 keystrokes on Google, and Enter is already in there.

Pupils who want to obtain a vocational qualification or a secondary school qualification can apply for BAföG. For pupils at general education schools, however, this applies only from grade 10 and up
if accommodation outside the home is necessary due to education

No, you will not get a student loan. How about a side job?


Bafög does not exist. With 17 you should not rely on pocket money, but there are enough opportunities for a part-time job. Maybe you should also save for driver's license, for the later excerpt etc.


I already thought about starting a part time job but I already have too much stress because of all the work and so on, I would hardly have any free time


Of course, I put on my clothes until they are no longer fit / broken… But I often walk past stores and see, for example, a jacket that has done to me and can't buy me, although I would like it… Of course not the end of the world and I can handle it but it would be nice to have some money on the site if you can understand that.