Wi-Fi works, but ethernet does not, why?


Since today ~ 19: 00 my LAN does not work anymore. WLAN works perfectly. Have the PC unattended until 20:00, but no updates allowed / performed. I tried the restart of the router, laptops and fours.

Troubleshooting Diagnostic: "Ethernet" does not have a valid IP configuration

How do I fix this?


Here is the history of CMD

Windows IP Configuration

Wireless LAN adapter LAN connection * 1:

Media Status…: Medium separated

Connection-specific DNS suffix:

Wireless LAN adapter LAN connection * 3:

Media Status…: Medium separated

Connection-specific DNS suffix:

Ethernet adapter Ethernet:

Connection-specific DNS suffix:

Link-local IPv6 address. : fe80 :: 2048: b9a8: 280: db9d% 11

IPv4 Address (Auto Configuration):

Subnet mask…:

Default gateway…:

Ethernet adapter Ethernet 2:

Media Status…: Medium separated

Connection-specific DNS suffix:

Wireless LAN adapter WLAN:

Connection-specific DNS suffix: home

Link-local IPv6 address. : fe80 :: 6c90: 608f: 8dcf: 4ee9% 12

IPv4 address…:

Subnet mask…:

Default Gateway…:

Ethernet adapter Bluetooth network connection:

Media Status…: Medium separated

Connection-specific DNS suffix


LAN cable disconnected or dropped (on the router or PC).

Plug the LAN cable back in and restart the PC. Also restart the router, the router (= your DHCP server for IP addresses) could have crashed… That happens ever.

The 169,254 … Says that. Here it is explained quite well:



Disable the WLAN on the PC, if you do not need it.


Have turned off the router several times. LAN cable also disconnected and plugged. Nothing has happened.

Have exchanged the LAN.Kabel out of interest, but there's still nothing, so that's not it.


The PC restarted properly (no sleep mode!) I hope you have (I described above).

Have you already tried the network troubleshooting?

Right-click on the small internet icon in the bottom right corner of the desktop

Click on "solve problems"… Etc.

That could help.


To find out if a physical connection is even possible, manually configure an IP address from your network and try to ping the IP of the router.



If you use LAN on the PC, then turn off WLAN (disable), otherwise Windows must repeatedly scan all your network connection and decide which is the most suitable.

Delete network connections you never need or are outdated.

Actually, you usually have only 2 network connections: 1 time LAN and 1 time WLAN, the rest are any "failed attempts".

Follow this guide:



Which operating system? If you have windows 10: I would advise you to be more patient: shut down the PC, leave some hours, restart and wait. A PC is like a woman, you can't turn it on and off at will. Ricardo