How can I forward Ethernet by cable?


My laptop has ethernet and I would like to forward this via cable to another computer. Can someone tell me if, and if so, how it works? The laptop of the Ethernet has no Ethernet sockets free so would have to go via USB.


USB to Ethernet adapter and then release connection and send to the connection. It would be simpler to hang a switch in front of the laptop.


Or he gets a switch and splits the connection


Maybe he wants to bypass a Mac filter. But that is also easier.


Yes is always hard to find out if the important details are missing.


Then you need in your computer 2 network cards. Windows can indeed "bridge connections"! Of course, this is also possible with a USB to Ethernet adapter.


Buy a switch and good.

With 12 euro you are there.

Just read that you can't because there's only one IP per user → then just buy a router.

With 16 euro you are there.


So I connect the laptop has the Ethernet via adapter with the computer has no network, mark in Windows in the adapter configuration both networks and create a network group? The computer that has no network is then displayed in the adapter settings?


You create a bridge of the connection, then you hang on the LAN output the PC or a switch and have infinite connections. To one of them you can also pack a router. The LAN cable rausgeht you can use as normal as a LAN cable and do everything, the connection is just passed through your PC, so to speak.
