What kind of jobs are there that have to do with digital art?


I love drawing and painting and everything that has to do with art in general, especially digital art, which means I like to draw on my iPad or laptop. I think later on I want to work something that has to do with it, because it's just my passion. Of course, I don't have to worry about it now because I'm still quite young, but I'm still interested in what jobs there are that have to do with digital art, or in general creating something digitally, so for example I also find Vfx very exciting. I know there's probably quite a lot, but a few examples are enough


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Communication design is the most common: posters, flyers, book covers, corporate design, etc. You have to be able to work with print data.

Illustrator: comics or children's books, or illustrations in magazines.

Design professions such as product designer or furniture designer or fashion designer go beyond drawing. You have to be able to work with the appropriate material.

However, it has very little to do with digital art.

game designer
(actually only makes the concept, he doesn't paint, doesn't model, doesn't program)

Concept Artist (for games or film)

3D artist (modeling, animation)

Digital artist


Level designer

Texture design


Thanks for the answer ^^ To Game Designer, who then does exactly these things, i.e. Drawing and designing the game, I find that pretty interesting too


So the digital artist makes the digital drawings for the end product. Sprites and tiles for pixel based games. Or item design or character design. You can specialize very precisely there if you want. Many people want to do character design, textures, for example, less so. If you are good you can do what everyone else is more likely to do, otherwise it is better to do something less many do.

The concept artist does what-could-it-looks, at the beginning, the draft, can look at concept arts for different games and compare it with the end product.