Battery for laptop buy, original or replica?


I have to buy a new battery for my laptop. The original batteries from the laptop manufacturer are quite expensive. That's why I've considered a replica battery. Of these there's a lot of choice and do not know which one to take. On the other hand, I have read that these are not safe. No short circuit protection and no heat protection. What would you recommend to me?

Battery for laptop buy, original or replica Battery for laptop buy, original or replica - 1

Depending on how long you still intend to use the laptop. If in 1-2 years anyway a new laptop ago, it is hardly worth investing in an expensive battery, then I would take the risk and buy a replica battery (there are also some differences, you can choose a less bad ).

But if you intend to use the laptop for a long time, it is worth investing in an original battery.


You can calmly take a third-party battery, but I would only recommend a reputable battery top, which offers no cheap parts.

Without guarantee a quick shot:

If you can't find a suitable battery online, just call the shop.


Do not you buy the cheapest scrap in any ramschläden, then I see no problems.

here was already called the akkushop. I think that's pretty neat.


Would be for you Ama… & Eb. A junk shop?


The one i shun in principle since the delivered scandal… The other is a pure sales platform. That You have to take a closer look at the seller. And even at A… On, there are every lot of stuff that is sold through third party.

that would be about as if I would call düsseldorf as ramschladen, just because I was there once in a 1 euro shop.


The topic battery is not yet finished for me: I've read that there's also the possibility to replace the battery cells. Then battery electronics would remain etc and only the batteries would be changed. Who knows exactly which ominous electronics plagiarism is installed. What do you think about that?


The topic battery is not yet finished for me: I've read that there's also the possibility to replace the battery cells. Then battery electronics would remain etc and only the batteries would be changed. Who knows exactly which ominous electronics plagiarism is installed. What do you think about that?


If you rely on the fact that the one who builds the new cells and the electronics together again, as befits, nothing speaks against. Personally, I'd rather take a new battery, because if the old one is not dressed up clean, at best your laptop is suddenly a little bit wrong.


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