A really good laptop for studying computer science?


I will start studying computer science at the end of this year and have asked myself what kind of laptop I will need so that everything runs smoothly.

It should be relatively small (not too small) and should be one of the best laptops you can buy right now.

Who has recommendations?


How about the Lenovo yoga series?

For example Lenovo Yoga C930 in the crassest version would cost 2.700 euro with Windows

Mcbook would also be an option but again you need adapters for USB sticks.


It will not depend on the laptop whether the studies go smoothly or not.

What does "small" mean exactly? 10, 11.3, 14 or 15 inches? What exactly does "one of the best" mean? You might find weight more important than running time, or vice versa. A particularly small device is easier to transport, but the small monitor is more difficult to read. A device with a higher weight is often also more stable. What does a 900g laptop do that breaks after 4 months?!

How much money do you want to spend? New or used?

So far the question is too general.


Boss, you buy a simple notbook for 500 euro… Enough… You won't need unnecessarily complicated programs for your studies in computer science. At the beginning, especially at a university, you probably won't even have to do a lot with the PC.

8 or 16 GB are enough… You usually need more than 256 or 512 GB hard drive. Not and otherwise every middle class GraKa does perfectly.

If you now of course say that you have money, then go to a platform, click the maximum everywhere and buy a good model for 2 or 3000 euro…

But, as I said, would not be necessary.


In addition: If you should write complicated programs, you have access to very capable computers at the university, with which this is not a problem


Take what you like and pay attention to your preferences with the hardware - you don't need much for studying. Strictly speaking, you don't need a PC at all, because you have access to PCs at university, if you have to program something very large, you also get access to supercomputers.

So see how much you want to spend, see what you like and act on it. As a gamer or graphic designer you need something powerful anyway and if you only program, a raspberry Pi for 30 euro is enough