Insurance expires in case of CPU overclocking?


Will my insurance be void if I overclock my CPU on my laptop?
CPU-i7 7700hq

can I overclock this CPU at all and if so, how?


What kind of insurance? Your liability insurance?


Normally the guarantee is void, yes

But you can see if you can find insurance just in case


No additional insurance (max guarantee extension) which came into effect after the 2 year manufacturer guarantee has expired


Overclocking is in fact not detectable with a CPU

. But strictly speaking, a guarantee is void if you do something outside of the norm.


Usually it goes out but you can't prove it so no


I found something interesting here.

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As a rule, the guarantee expires in the event of overclocking, because "the device" is operated outside of the specification. Normally this is not a problem and there should be no damage unless you inject too much tension into it, which then probably does not result in an exchange.

But if the card has other "damages" you will usually get an exchange or repair.

So your statement:

To which I said that I would then no longer be interested in the expiry of the warranty.

is nonsense, because just because the card has been overclocked it is not a guarantee.

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Here is the source:,au%C3%9Ferhalb%20der%20Spezifikation%20betrieben%20wird.&text=%2C%20denn%20nur%20weil%20die%20Karte,wurde%20ist%20sie%20kein%20Garantiefall.