How can I copy many cell phone contacts with pictures to another cell phone (Google or Samsung)?


For me it became a new cell phone (Samsung). Since my sister gets my "old Samsung", she also created a corresponding Google account.

Now we wanted to "export" many of my contacts - which my Sis also knows - to me and then import them to your cell phone.

What did we do: Export the corresponding contacts (at least almost 100) as csv (?) Via Google account and then "import" them into the Sis Google account.

It worked perfectly: only there are no pictures? So at least Google doesn't show contact photos?

Does anyone have instructions on how to do this - that the pictures are included? Or are there programs? Possibly. For my laptop - that I just copy it there?


As far as I know, this is not possible, but when I think only about SD card because Google uses only the most necessary to keep the data as small as possible so that the transfer works as quickly as possible


There's a program from Samsung called Smart Switch. You have to download this from both Playstore phones. With it you can connect the cell phones and exchange everything about data apps and so on.


Thank you - then I will test it - whether you can use it to convey the addresses with a picture. Merci


Very happy 🤗


So - Sis has just tried it - it can only pull over all contacts. But: it was worth a try.


In the two days you tried to export the contacts with pictures, you could have simply sent your sister the contact pictures and she could have inserted them yourself. 🤔


This is definitely possible, e.g. From Xiaomi there's the "Mi Mover", with which you can move various data…

And there's certainly a program from Samsung, if not, use one from a third party.


If you're both on WhatsApp, then send her the contacts, the pictures will be sent with ^ _ ^