Bridging the Internet - Wi-Fi?


Our internet doesn't come until mid-January. I would like to have Wi-Fi to bridge. I don't like a stick because the laptop has to be on all the time. Hot spot via mobile phone via Telekom only works so well as I get separated from it every now and then. Would like something unlimited and unlimited GB per month. And without buying me sim cards or anything else. Is there another way to simply buy something on the Internet without the need for a stick or something similar? Lg Maxi


No? How is that supposed to work?

Every internet user has an identity

Come on jz ned with vpns, even these companies have to tell the police who you are when the going gets tough.

The closest thing would be for you to steal from public wlan (caution virus) or to buy aldi talk for internet (prepaid), which is limited.


With these wishes there's only one solution left, namely to ask the neighbors if you can use his Wi-Fi signal. If the neighbor lives too far away, you will experience an internet free time.

Mobile Internet without data limits, there will be no such thing in Germany in the foreseeable future. Germany is the third world when it comes to mobile communications. There are occasional offers regarding unlimited. But these are very expensive tariffs with a term of 24 months. So totally unsuitable for you.


You always need a cellular routerโ€ฆ

And it's not really worth it until January. At the most, if you already have a router, you can use freenetFunk


FreenetFunk 1 euro / day Unlimited?


Okay thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š


Thanks, yes that is unfortunately also with sim card. But thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š


And whoever takes the service literally with unlimited, gets the notice.


Thank you then the easiest solution is to continue with the Telekom hotspot.

was just a question of whether it works it is clear that I do not know how to do it otherwise I would not ask. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜„

thought nowadays it is a bit easier but in some things it is probably not very mature in Germany.

but thanks nice evening


Yes. Unfortunately.
I also read the stories. It's a real shame. But at least 300-400GB a month should be okay