Too high power consumption in a 2P household?


I have a question about the electricity consumption of a 2 person household. We used 10 kw on the meter reading in one day. Now we have checked all devices except for the stove with a measuring device. You can find the numbers behind the respective device. Nevertheless, about 5 kw are missing. Can it be a fault in the meter or has the electrician botched it (line fault, cable fault, house installation, insulation fault, etc.)? Ask for experiences. We have also now heard from our landlord that the electrician had a drinking problem…

Consumed 1 day: 20 min oven (180 degrees - 0.5 kW), 20 min stove (?), 2x water boiled with stove (?), 1x dryer (1.32), 1x washing (0.7), 1x mobile phone shop (0.01 kw), 1x laptop charging (0.6 kw) + 4x new LED lamps (?) + Refrigerator (1) = 4.12 kw + approx. 1 kw (stove & lamps)


A two-person household should - depending on what is going on - between 1500 and max. Consume 2500 kWh per year (without heating or hot water heating). 10 kWh in one day is of course a lot, but you won't use that every day, will you? One should observe this over several days, not just fix it on one day.


You can't measure that precisely with your measuring device for the socket. And you don't have the measuring device plugged in everywhere at the same time.

10 kWh per day are extrapolated to the year around 3600 kWh. For a 2-person household, it's okay, but depending on how many "toys" you have, and so relatively normal…

the heating e.g. Especially when an unregulated pump is installed, consumes or…


I've already played through all of this and 10 kW is the lower average. I have now observed it for 3 weeks and in 7.5 days we had 120 kW (16 kW per day) … I also added information to the question above.


2x laptops, oven, stove, refrigerator, dryer, no TV or anything else. All LED lamps that don't consume anything. I have supplemented the question again above. Heating with gas.