Can it be that my laptop can break off the wireless connection?


My laptop loses the connection to the WLAN every minute. After disconnecting and reconnecting to the network, it briefly goes back until it interrupts again. On the phone and other devices, the WLAN works fine, but it seems to me that a disconnection on my laptop also leads to a general Internet termination. The WLAN only causes problems as soon as the laptop is open and I want to google or download something.


Thanks, I've tried a lot of it now and unfortunately nothing really helped. Who do you turn to in such cases? With a hotspot from my mobile phone, the internet on the laptop is also working flawlessly.


But your phone is still in the same Wi-Fi network, as before the laptop? Or do you use only the mobile traffic of the mobile phone (without WLAN) at the hotspot? If everything works via the mobile phone hotspot (WLAN), it seems to be due to the settings of the adapter. If necessary, delete the wireless network adapter from the device manager - after a restart the device will be recognized and configured again. Then delete the "old" network configuration and set up a new wireless connection.


Yes that was about mobile data. I have now tried the laptop in other networks and it worked flawlessly. It must therefore lie at the connection between laptop and my WLAN, that the WLAN runs otherwise perfectly. No idea.


If it works in other Wi-Fi networks, the router may not seem to be configured properly. Here you can eg install a diagnostic app on your mobile phone. Often you can influence the channel in the router on which the WLAN is broadcast. Vllt helps that yes…