Why is the internet wrong with the Ipad Pro 11inch?


I have the problems for 2 days and it is definitely not on the router, because I have no connection problems with the phone or laptop. The wireless connection aufm Ipad goes out without warning and if you try to connect to the wlan you get an error message with the words: "The wireless is temporarily not available." Then the connection does not work for 5 minutes anymore. The Ipad has cost a lot and I would like it like back then without these wireless problems. Thanks in advance to the helpers. (To the Applet Employees: Yes, I have turned the device off and on again several times.) Yes, I have turned off the location services and reset the factory settings)


Will be a bug.


Turn it on and off if it does not work dan factory reset


PC. Laptop. Smartphone. Phone. Games console. Per apartment can work about 10 to 20 devices Cordless. Like Alexa. And toy cars. Wireles controller…

you can use your mobile phone to check the area… Wi-fi Wi-Fi router devices are displayed.

the signals usually work all around the 400 meters wide. There can be a lot together. And the signals of the router can kick each other away. So disturb the reception. The strongest are these websticks. Even electric cars generate… Electrosmock… This is not smoke but too many rays. Even a power cable generates mangetic radiation.

That could be a problem. Too many routers beaming in the same way. Use similar frequencies. Bluethoth is very weak to 15 meters.

You could shield your router. With aluminum foil. To wrap the antenna aluminum foil. Because of range. Then it can't shine so far. And receive. Will not be disturbed in this way.

the thicker your walls are. All the better. Then comes from the outside not so much Fremd.-Routher.-Stralung in your room.

Or bad weather. Lightning also shines. Electromagnetic waves. Natural. You could also live in a Radon irradiated area.

If necessary, there helps a network cable. Then you have your peace…

If you have fiber. Is the best there's. Because of magnetic rays. That's with fiber optics.

There's also something new. With laser. Infrared. That's new.


But it happened since 2 days ago. Before that there was not this problem and I own the ipad for half a year already.


Besides, the problem is not the distance


Do you have Windows on it? Or Android? You can use CCleaner and clean up your tablet. Defragment. Clean. Your webbrwoser erase all history. Clean.


Do you defrag regularly? Did you check viruses? There's CCleaner looking for errors. And these are then eliminated. I do not know your operating system. What do you have on it?