Laptop crackles at every thing?


Have I not noticed this all my life or is that not normal? I just noticed when creating the video that every time I press a button or if that then performs an action or if I only drive over which buttons on it with the mouse is a slight short crack each time out of my laptop… Is this normal or is what the capput I'm just very surprised XD or is it because of my scrap hard disk?


Does it crackle when the volume is at zero?


Jap the noise comes from the inside of the laptops not from the speaker or something


So many things can't crackle there, if it is an older piece, which has no LED backlight, but a special fluorescent tube. Can it come from their high voltage supply.

Hard drives do not crackle in my experience, they clack or whir, SSDs do not make any noise.

Maybe you can locate the place of crackling with this method: Put a straw in the ear (stethoscope would work too) and hold the other end to different places on the laptop, perhaps this is the loudest spot, which should then allow conclusions about the Reason.


Theoretically, the speakers can crackle even when the volume is zero, it could then disturbances z. B. Via the power supply still stimulate the speakers.


I kept my ears to the keyboard directly and the speakers are quite elsewhere and so loud it is not that it is also there to listen so… Yes it is more of a whirring I can't think of the word with my laptop or hard drive or so rather loud scratching and sometimes loud scratch disturbing noises or so of himself… Hm. Let's see


Then I advise you to immediately backup all data to an external disk, USB stick! Plates can quickly give up their "mind"!



You can see the condition of the plate.


I know I have extra ne second hard drive and save everything I hope that the hard drive it will last 4 months I will if I have time to check the times thank you


Is an HDD installed? If so, it may be that the sounds come from there. Over time, HDDs tend to produce more and louder sounds. The "writes" or "reads" so well as with every action.