How do I install Origin?


I wanted to download Origin on my laptop and I already have an existing account. When I try to install Origin on the website I get the message "The code can't continue because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may solve the problem." I also tried to install "Vrcuntime140.dll" using the chip, but it didn't work. What do I have to do to install Origin?


Simply download and install


Oh thank you, now I know how to do it.


I personally can only advise against Origin! Not enough choice! I'm currently using Firefox, with many settings and a fast server. If you absolutely want to have origin, uninstall ALL the related data and try again. If it still doesn't work, try an alternative website


Yes, but I already have an account where I bought a lot of games that I would like to continue playing, but thanks.


This is not a web browser, but the game client from EA.


Look in the control panel to see if it is perhaps already (corrupt) installed, if so uninstall it, restart the PC and then try again.