Laptop locks itself automatically and then goes out?


For some time now, my laptop sometimes just locks itself automatically with a blue lock screen and then automatically goes into sleep mode. I use Windows 10 64bit, I have an Intel Core i5 7200U and a Geforce 940MX.


Simply enter the energy saving plan in the search at the bottom left. Because self-explanatory.

which makes sense. Everything is back almost immediately.


Could it be that it is overheating?


Hm, I'm a little confused, so under "blue lock screen" I mean the famous and neevige "blue screen", if you mean, there's a bug in the system, which needs to be investigated, where it is exactly.


Press the Windows key → "Select energy saving plan" → under "Preferred energy saving plans" Change energy saving plan settings "→" Adjust energy saving mode to "as required


It is a light blue screen with just locks on it and this rotating circle of points. Then he just goes out. This happens irregularly, sometimes immediately after switching on, but also e.g. After one hour.


It also happens sometimes right after turning on.


So if it looks like this

(Source Wikipedia)
Then it's the famous BSOD (BlueScreenOfDeath)

Then you either have a virus, something is wrong with your laptop hardware or it overheats.


Like Odenwald69
I already mentioned that I would also take a look at the energy saving plan.


It is a light blue screen with just locks on it and this rotating circle of points. Then he just goes out. This happens irregularly, sometimes immediately after switching on, but also e.g. After one hour.

Could I have a photo?


If it just locks itself, it is most likely due to some program or settings, have you changed anything?


If I could not answer your question please comment again, if I could help you I would be happy to be helpful!


So the color fits otherwise it's just on the lock and this rotating circle of points. If I have changed something, I'm not aware of it. I have now reset the energy saving plan.


Unfortunately I don't have a photo right now. I will try to take a picture next time.

