Hello people as described in the title I'm recently at Unitymedia.
Unfortunately, you get a Connect box and can only rent for 5 euro extra charge a month Fritzbox.
So far I had DSL over TAE box and have from there still a Fritz box 7490.
Now for the actual question.
Does it make more sense to buy the best Fritzbox for cable and connect directly or close my Fritzbox 7490 behind the Connect Box?
At the Connect box bothers me the long long charging period until the menu rises and worst of all I only get from 400Mbit 70 on the laptop.
Over LAN cable arrive 420Mbit.
My Fritzbox 7490 had the old provider 100mbit and 100 are just arrived.
Think about power consumption, it would be better synonymous directly connect a fritzbox without Connectbox but your opinion would interest me.
I have the Fritzbox 6490 at the UM connection booked. Alone for the DECT function and the better WLAN.
Whether your Wi-Fi gets better, if your old router uses only as a wireless modem, you have to try.
But: If you have the best line, with 400 Mbit, then you should also use the better router.