Should I be worried?


Unfortunately I'm panicking a bit right now, because I'm hypochondriac, unfortunately.

I was just sitting in front of the laptop and watching a movie when suddenly my nose started to run badly and got nosebleeds. I went to the toilet, took some paper and pulled the trigger. Thought that was it. Paper brought into the room for safety.

Suddenly it starts dripping again, everything on my clothes. So far it is still bleeding, got some of it down my throat and swallowed it.

As mentioned above, I'm a strong hypochondriac and now imagine all kinds of things. From blood cancer to anything else.

A few things occurred to me that could possibly be the reason.

At the moment I'm on the Baltic Sea and yesterday anyway today I walked almost 2 hours by the sea in the sea air, which is very salty. Had a slight headache today too.
is that I got a heavy Fujifilm camera against my nose on Wednesday last week, it really hurt a lot. But I find it unlikely that my nose will only react now.
I've been sleeping with the window closed for 2 days because of mosquitoes. Maybe the air is too warm, it's already quite warm in my room.
I got a septum on July 30th, unfortunately it still sucks and hurts, but the blood does not come from there.

Maybe you can take my worries away and calm me down, what do you think? I'm so close to going to the doctor here tomorrow about this. I have to mention that I have an iron deficiency.

I thank you in advance!

P.S.: The panic and hypochondria come from the fact that my mother and best friend had cancer, unfortunately it has been that way since then.


I'm sorry about your mother and your best friend.

Do not worry. Nosebleeds can just come out of nowhere and anyone can have it. A friend of mine had a nosebleed at least once a week in one summer and everything was fine.

Do not worry.


A movie can stimulate your nerves in such a way that you get nosebleeds.

It is best not to press the trigger, but to cool the neck and let the blood run, so the blood can clot properly and the vessels constrict.

You should only see a doctor if the bleeding does not stop, then cauterization or tamponade may be necessary.


Just pull it up again and again as if you had a cold, and it will be over quickly.


It's still bleeding, should I see a doctor? There's still someone with us in the village


Have you already tried putting ice cream or an ice pack on your neck? Just bend over the sink and wait. However, if blood is still flowing after about 10 minutes, even though you are not taking any blood thinners, you should really see an ENT doctor or go to the hospital. If the damaged wire is visible, it can be closed with a cautery, which is a bit like a soldering iron. If not, there are always blood clotting medications available in conjunction with tampons.


Yes, I put a pack of frozen strawberries on my neck and leaned over the sink, but whenever I think it's over and I move it starts dripping again


I was the same as you when it came to hypochondria, and it's very good that you are aware that you have it. Back then I went to the family doctor (who had already suspected that I was hypochondriac) and told him about it and he gave me a list of psychotherapists so that I finally dared to go into therapy. Sure, the whole thing was somehow shameful at first and I felt strange. But I'm so glad I did because he was able to treat me relatively quickly. And that's exactly what I would recommend to you, because hypochondria massively restricts the quality of life and it is much nicer to live without it!