Can it be that my mother is losing her health?


Danger! Long history!

Make me a little worried about my mother (70) so far, she has always been very creative, capable of learning, always had a talent to adapt to the new technology, once explained, she already knew it. Til today…

We live together in a two-family house and meet for dinner (someone else cooks every week). The first thing I noticed was that she is often very nervous for no reason, at first I thought it was due to the Corona circumstances, she doesn't want to go out either, and avoids any contact that has nothing to do with me or my husband. She even avoids her own sister.

Today she said her online banking (which she has been doing independently for two years) would no longer work. I wanted to help her, and when I opened her laptop I saw a note that describes step by step how to use the Internet. She did it by herself beforehand, without any written help.

I ignored this note and signed up for online banking in her presence. Everything seemed to work as usual. I was a little confused and said "everything goes well" and she said "oja, well, if you're already inside, you can make the transfers for me right away" that also struck me as suspicious, since they have always been, and without exception all wants to do pending tasks alone. I even had to add up what she still had available after the direct debit deductions.

But now comes the summit, after the whole thing we sat together again and she asked me when my cats will be 2 years, I said "my cats will be 15, how on earth do you get two?" she said "yes, you haven't had them that long, I can't know how old they were when you got them" I explained to her that she referred the first cat to me and that I raised it by hand as a kitten.

You seemed confused and said nothing more. I tried to help her memory on the jumps and remembered her dead tomcat who was two years old when I brought my first cat to me. She remembered and said, "Yeah, and he died when he was 12, so yours must be two now" I was so confused that I changed the subject.

Somehow I'm really worried right now, I helped with the care of my great grandmother who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, and took care of my father 3 years ago who was losing more and more. I'm terrified that my mother will also break down now, if only because I know how fast it will be to say goodbye

😔… Please, can someone tell me what I can do or what she has? My husband says a doctor wouldn't do anything if she doesn't have any physical symptoms. I'm totally desperate right now, I don't want to look for or lose you, neither mentally nor physically 😪 maybe someone here with something like that has experience and can give me advice. I would be grateful for any helpful answer.


I'm not a doctor. But from your descriptions I recognize exactly what you also recognize: It is no longer the same. What I would like to advise you: persuade you to seek advice from your family doctor That can't hurt. And then you know more and maybe something can be done after all. If you don't go, you will always be in the dark.


Nonsense! Off to the doctor. This is important. These are clear first signs of Alzheimer's / dementia. She needs medical advice. You can't stop it, but you can handle it well and try to slow it down.

Please give her an analog clock and ask for it at a "complicated time".


It is nonsense that the doctor does nothing if there are no physical complaints! It is now recognized in medicine that body and psyche can't be separated, especially since confusion can have physical causes.

The family doctor should always be the first point of contact for such matters. First of all, this is not about a complex diagnosis, but about advice. What could be the reason? And depending on: what can you do?

When confused and forgetful, the first thing that comes to mind is dementia. But there are also other options. For example, dehydration can also trigger symptoms like this.

Even if it is a form of dementia, it is easy to slow down the process, especially at the beginning. However, if you wait months to see a doctor, a lot may have changed.